Day 01 | January 21, 2025 (7:30 AM to 6:00 PM)
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
60 Minutes
Couer D’Alene Resort
Soilcraft Team
C.C. Registration
Check in and receive your complimentary Soilcraft Notebook & Pen.
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM
30 Minutes
Opening: Devotional & Intro
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dwayne Bowman
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Dwayne Bowman, Founder & CEO of Soilcraft will welcome you to the conference, give a little bit of information & history about Soilcraft, introduce members of the Soilcraft Team, and lead a short devotional to start the day’s events.
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
90 minutes
Taste in Aphids: Chemoreceptive Protein Analysis (1.5 CCA Credits)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Tom Dykstra
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Determining what aids taste when sucking on plant juices can be deciphered by analyzing its gustatory (taste)receptors. This presentation takes a deep dive into exactly what the soybean a fit, and PA fit prefer when sucking on their favorite host plants, allowing farmers to prevent their crops from being attacked by these established pests.

Dr. Thomas Dykstra is the Laboratory Director of Dykstra Laboratories in Gainesville, Florida. For 27 years, he has studied bioelectromagnetics (how electromagnetic fields affect life), especially as it relates to insects. He holds Entomology degrees from Cornell University and the University of Florida and has been awarded eight patents. Dr. Dykstra consults with farmers, agricultural companies, tech firms, attorneys, international governments, and insurance agencies. He has visited three continents and presents lectures on diverse topics covering entomology, olfactory physiology, biophysics, paramagnetism, neurobiology, and biological antennae. Dr. Dykstra’s research deciphered the insect olfactory code in 2016 and characterizes chemoreceptors for various medical and agricultural insect pests. He teaches both farmers and agricultural consultants how to raise healthy crops for their families and for profit.
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
15 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM
60 minutes
Rhizophagy (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Steve Becker & Dennis Warnecke
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Understanding and utilizing PGPR for enhanced soil and Crop performance
Let’s to get to the Root (pun intended) of plant health and productivity by looking at how beneficial micro functions are critical to plant nutrition and soil health/structure. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), through the rise of Rhizophagy cycle, is critical for plant architecture and soil, nutrient exchange. Soil organic carbon (SOC) levels are a key indicator of soil health; through the microbial carbon pump (MCP), digestion, glomalin production, and extra cellular polysaccharide biofilms, soil microbes are the primary driver of humidification and soil genesis.
Dennis Warnecke, CCA | Dennis has been a highly respected leader in biological agriculture, horticulture, and golf course program management in the western United States and Canada since 1985. As Director of sales and technological support for Tanio Biologicals, Dennis helps distributors and growers build successful biological Crop programs.

Steve Becker, CCA | As chief science officer at Tanio Biologicals, Steve is afforded an up close and personal view into the world of soil biology; valuable information that he uses in the development and refinement of products. Steve has both a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts from Eastern Washington University.
11:45 PM – 1:00 PM
75 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 1-3
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
90 minutes
The Power of Mycorrhizal Fungi (1.5 CC Credits)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Matt Powers
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Join author and educator Matt Powers as he delves into the power of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (the fungi that partners with almost ALL our foods) + learn how to identify this fungi that evolved as a irreplaceable living component of over 90% of plants with new microscopy technology – witness a new tool for farmers, ranchers, and plant and soil scientists to verify the quality and the efficacy of an inoculant (you can see the actual fungi on the roots distinctly). This is going to change all food growing as we know it.

Matt Powers (M.Ed) is an author, educator, citizen scientist, entrepreneur, and family guy who teaches people all over the world how to live more regeneratively. Personally driven by a deep desire to have the best food possible for his wife and cancer-survivor, Adriana, and their two boys, Matt, a former public high school teacher with a master’s degree in education, is creator of over a dozen online courses and author of over 20 books on permaculture and regenerative soil science & microscopy such as the permaculture student series and the regenerative soil trilogy.
2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
2:40 PM – 3:40 PM
60 minutes
Farming and Soil Health: The Connection Between Healthy Soil and Food (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
David Stelzer | Founder, Farmer, and CEO of Azure Standard
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
In this session, David Stelzer will explain the connection between healthy soil and nutrient-dense food. Drawing on his extensive experience in soil health and biology, as well as techniques developed by his family’s generations of organic farming, he will share valuable insights. A Q&A session will follow.

With over a century of farming tradition in the Pacific Northwest, David Stelzer is a pioneer in organic food and healthy soil practices. He is the founder and CEO of Azure Farm and Azure Standard, a leading producer and distributor of natural, organic, and non-GMO foods across the nation.
3:40 PM – 4:30 PM
50 minutes
Carbon and Nitrogen Collide
Couer D’Alene Resort
Denver Black & Craig Harding
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6

Denver Black, a CCA certified regenerative agronomist, grew up on a wheat farm in Washington state. After earning a BS in human health sciences from Eastern Washington University, he transformed his family farm with no tail, cover crops, and intensive grazing. Now a Soilcraft agronomist, Denver develops innovative solutions for healthy soils and crops, working globally, including and to advance regenerative agriculture.
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
90 minutes
Social Hour
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 1-3
Chance for everyone to roam and talk. There will be snacks and beverages available.
Day 02 | January 22, 2025 (8:00 AM to 7:30 PM)
8:10 AM – 9:30 AM
80 minutes
The Effects of Glyphosate on You (1.5 CCA Credits)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Allan Lindsley
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Glyphosate has become one of the most applied herbicides in the world. It is sprayed on over 80 foods currently ingested by humans, sometimes with GMO crop, and sometimes as a desiccant before harvesting. Dr. Lindsley will share his expertise and outline how these applications affect not only the soil, but also the human cost of exposure to this particular chemical herbicide. He will also touch on dementia, autism, and the joint destruction associated with this chemical.

Dr. Lindsley has been a practicing chiropractor for the past 20 years, mostly in his home state of Wisconsin. He developed herbal blends in 2008 for treatment and support for patients suffering from Lyme disease, as well as several other products for detoxification. Dr. Lindsley has taught numerous doctors from around the United States through seminars on Lyme disease, glyphosate, and mitochondria dysfunction.
9:30 AM – 9:45 AM
15 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
9:45 AM – 11:05 AM
80 minutes
Electrical conductivity of Crop Soils (1.5 CCA Credits)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Tom Dykstra
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Electrical conductivity will be defined and explained, including its relationship to soils and what to expect when the readings are too high or too low. These measurements also relate to vegetative and reproductive stages of all plants. HR will be presented at the end summarizing these relational effects, and a comparative table will rank common crops, and their different abilities to a stand higher levels of electrical conductivity.
11:05 AM – 11:15 AM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
60 minutes
Regenerative Microscopy (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Matt Powers
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Wanting to understand why folks are interested in microscopy? Deep dive into the how and why of soil testing with a microscope with author and educator Matt Powers – includes myth busting of old ways, amazing new paradigm shifts, and new hands-on solutions and methodologies.
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
60 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 1-3
1:15 PM – 2:05 PM
50 minutes
Soil Building 101: From Deserts to Groves (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Josh Bowman
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Josh will speak on the six soil health principles, and how this impacts earthworms, plant health, yield and economics, as well as increased levels of underground fungi, soil, mineral, and sap, nutrient availability.

Josh is a regenerative ag producer and consultant with Rio Gro based out of Mesquite, New Mexico. Josh spent 9 years growing apples and cherries in Washington state prior to relocating to New Mexico in 2016 where he began growing pecans. He has used cover crops and animals extensively the last 5-6 years in his pecans and is treating water through a pressurized irrigation system on his operation. He will share experiences with transitioning a pecan grove from conventional to regenerative practices and the resulting impact on soil health.
2:05 PM – 2:15 PM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM
60 minutes
Path to Market for Regenerative Agriculture Supply & Demand Connections
Couer D’Alene Resort
Joni Kindwall-Moore, Brent Uhlorn, Tobe Finch, David Stelzer, Frank Baxter, Amanda Martinez, and Christopher Schachtschneider
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Interest in regenerative, organic, and soil health-focused agriculture is surging on both the producer and market sides. However, a significant disconnect remains between producers and markets. This session will explore the needs of farmers and ranchers to enhance soils and farming systems, as well as the role of markets in driving and supporting diversity at the field level. We’ll discuss strategies for fostering coordinated development across the value chain to align supply and demand while promoting human and ecosystem health. The panel features professionals representing producers, distributors, processors, buyers, and digital transparency providers, offering a comprehensive perspective on these challenges and opportunities.

Joni Kindwall-Moore brings over 25 years of scientific inquiry, healthcare, food system activism, and entrepreneurship, to her roles as Founder & CEO of Snacktivist, co-founder of Ryzos, and as host of the Regenerative by Design podcast. Joni was inspired to found Snacktivist, a company committed to creating innovative products and developing markets for drought-resistant, low-GHG, “opportunity” crops like millet, sorghum, teff and others. The knowledge gained in health sciences, combined with her expertise in food and regenerative agriculture, presented a unique opportunity to reimagine supply chain insight, impact reporting and digitized market platforms. Joni firmly believes that technologies like blockchain and AI are the missing links in transforming our global food systems into a more “future-proofed” model that will ultimately realign the activities of agriculture with the goals of human health and climate resiliency. She also co-founded Ryzos, CIVC-Montana and North American Millets Alliance, both dedicated to developing markets and value chains for Millets.
3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
3:25 PM – 4:25 PM
60 minutes
Panel for Marketers
Couer D’Alene Resort
Joni Kindwall-Moore, Brent Uhlorn, Tobe Finch, David Stelzer, Frank Baxter, Amanda Martinez, and Christopher Schachtschneider
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
4:25 PM – 5:30 PM
65 minutes
Speaker Panel
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Tom Dykstra, Matt Powers, Josh Bowman, Dr. Allan Lindsley, Trent Graybill
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM
30 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (or later)
60 minutes
Couer D’Alene Resort
On the house
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 1-3
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (or later)
Social—meet new people & get new ideas!
Couer D’Alene Resort
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 1-3
Chance for everyone to roam and talk. There will be snacks and beverages available.
Day 03 | January 23, 2025 (8:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
8:10 AM – 9:30 AM
80 minutes
Why Lymes (1.5 CCA Credits)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Allan Lindsley
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Lyme disease is the most misdiagnosed disease process in the United States and is often called the great mimicker of other diseases. It is often involved with many neurological diseases, along with premature joint, heart, and brain failure. Dr. Lindsley will discuss how these Lyme pathogens and the symptoms are experienced with Lyme disease, and draw a correlation between the chemical toxins, mineral deficiencies, and weakened immune system, which allows Lyme to live in various places in the human body.
9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
9:40 AM – 10:50 AM
70 minutes
Raising Brix and Lowering Brix (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Tom Dykstra
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Measuring leaf brix with a refractometer is an established method in determining plant health. Understanding what raises and lowers brix levels is important information for farmers, and includes factors such as the types of seeded, soil conditions, microbial concentrations, prevalence of salts, irrigation patterns, compaction, depth, and high density. Each of these can influence brix levels.
9:40 AM – 10:50 AM
70 minutes
Raising Brix and Lowering Brix (1 CCA Credit)
Couer D’Alene Resort
Dr. Tom Dykstra
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Measuring leaf brix with a refractometer is an established method in determining plant health. Understanding what raises and lowers brix levels is important information for farmers, and includes factors such as the types of seeded, soil conditions, microbial concentrations, prevalence of salts, irrigation patterns, compaction, depth, and high density. Each of these can influence brix levels.
10:50 AM – 11:00 AM
10 minutes
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6
Take a few moments to make phone calls, check email, visit the restrooms, grab coffee refill, or step out to get fresh air.
11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
75 minutes
Soilcraft Panel
Couer D’Alene Resort
Soilcraft Team
Conference Center Ballroom, Bays 4-6